Marie Romero Foster, MS, LPC, NCC
Marie Romero Foster is a Licensed Professional Counselor practicing in Lafayette, Louisiana. She specializes in psychotherapy solutions for individuals and families, including children, ages 10 and up, adolescents and adults. She utilizes cognitive-behavioral and interpersonal therapy techniques to treat a wide variety of difficulties such as ADHD, behavior problems, trauma, parenting, attachment disorders, depression, anxiety, panic, OCD and adjustment to life stressors such as divorce and bereavement.
Marie holds a Bachelor of Science in Human Services Management from Louisiana State University and earned a Masters of Science in Mental Health Counseling from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Marie is a Certified School Counselor with experience in both private and public school settings and has provided social, emotional, and academic support to young people and their families for nearly 20 years. A National Board Certified Counselor, Marie is a member of the Louisiana Counseling Association.
“I am trained in very structured and cognitive approaches to therapy but my personality is far from structured and cognitive! When clients meet me, they immediately notice that I am flexible, compassionate, and passionate about the work we are doing together. I strongly believe that we are wired for deep connection and that young people and adults can address their difficulties when in a safe relationship with an attentive therapist,” says Marie. “I am privileged to do this work every day. My clients are the most brave and resilient people I know. I learn from them everyday.”
Marie holds a Bachelor of Science in Human Services Management from Louisiana State University and earned a Masters of Science in Mental Health Counseling from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Marie is a Certified School Counselor with experience in both private and public school settings and has provided social, emotional, and academic support to young people and their families for nearly 20 years. A National Board Certified Counselor, Marie is a member of the Louisiana Counseling Association.
“I am trained in very structured and cognitive approaches to therapy but my personality is far from structured and cognitive! When clients meet me, they immediately notice that I am flexible, compassionate, and passionate about the work we are doing together. I strongly believe that we are wired for deep connection and that young people and adults can address their difficulties when in a safe relationship with an attentive therapist,” says Marie. “I am privileged to do this work every day. My clients are the most brave and resilient people I know. I learn from them everyday.”